No other Dragon Fruit can match its sweetness and flavor punch.
It all starts with the beautiful night-blooming Pitaya flower, native to the volcanic lands of Nicaragua.Each flower is hand pollinated with great care.
Even more delicate is the harvest process, using pads to protect the fruits.
Then comes the selection and washing of the best dragon fruits from the harvest, which takes a great deal of time and dedication.
The process ends with the drying and packing of our unique red flesh Dragon Fruit with the Tropisol logo.

Green World Imports is the largest producer of red-fleshed Dragon Fruit in the world.
Because of the rising demand for red Dragon Fruit in the US Market, our entire production has been sold year after year.
Our farms have been GAP certified by the Agricultural Protection and Health Institute of Nicaragua (IPSA) and our packing facilities are GLOBALGAP certified.
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